Sharing my notes from a seminar with Bhante Akaliko Bhikkhu .....
( because punching people in the face is not allowed )
Oh ! But we must never get angry ! It's simply not spiritual
Anger is a natural part of being human
Anger can tell us that something is not right
If we only surround ourselves with ’no bad vibes and positive people only ‘ stance
can be a denial of the complexity of the human experience
When is anger overcome on the Buddhist Path ?
There are two conditions for the arising of hate.
What two ?
The feature of repulsion and improper attention. These are the two conditions for the arising of hate. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
Let it go
If hate arises , try not hold on to it. Remember it can take time and many attempts to let go ….
Accentuate the positives see the good qualities to balance out the negatives
Hate arises in the mind and ceases in the mind
Strategies for dealing with hate …..
Know the drawbacks of hate ( wanting the other to suffer but it is in fact us who swallow the poison of hate making our mind and body sick)
Let it go ….slowly, gradually and with practice like how the rock becomes smooth from the gradual rain, sand and weather eventually the roughness of the rock becomes smooth
Accentuate the positives e.g. a dirty rag, mossy water, a cow’s footprint beauty can be found
Lower your expectations and accept reality - what else do you expect ?
It could be worse !
Seeing that things are bearable, the relentless positivity of Puna
If they throw stones at me I’ll think these people are gracious since they don’t
beat me with a club ?
Cultivate qualities that help support love to grow. Develop ethical conduct, kindness,
contentment, humility, be easy to talk to, un-stressed, relaxed and polite
Soften our edges, and get familiar with a mind of love
Ideas to help melt your heart :
Play with dogs
Pat a cat
Watch nature documentaries
Do random act of kindness
Watch inspiring stories of humans being nice
Be generous, be kind and help others
Treat yourself
Have a break from the news and social media
Avoid people who stress you out and trigger you
