Relationship troubles:
Early warning signs:
you don’t do things together as much as before
you have recurring arguments about the same issues that are never resolved
you feel dissatisfied and unhappy
you have sex less often, or it isn't what it used to be
one partner spends increasing time on interests and activities outside the relationship
there is a loss of warmth and friendliness in the relationship, one or both of you speak of no longer being in love
you feel tired and less able to meet responsibilities at work and at home
arguments about the children continue
one of you has an addiction problem that is affecting the relationship
Coping with grief
Look after yourself – try to eat healthily, keep your sleeping and exercise routines, and plan for treats and the things you enjoy.
Everyone copes differently – you could try to keep busy, perhaps distract yourself with new people and new activities, or talk to friends and family and others who can support you, or consider some quiet reflective time by yourself.
Avoid rushing into a new relationship.
Avoid using alcohol or other drugs to ease any pain.
Talk to your GP, or seek counselling, if you have any concerns about your health and wellbeing
Depression is a serious illness that affects mental and physical health.
People with depression find it hard to function every day. They may become socially isolated, or unproductive at work and home, and stop enjoying their usual activities. Other signs of depression can be significant weight change, lack of concentration, and reliance on alcohol or drugs.
If these problems last longer than two weeks, it’s time to seek professional help.
Relationships Australia provides counselling, mediation, dispute resolution, relationship and parenting skills education, community support, employee assistance programs and professional training. Services and programs are available nationally. Tel. 1300 364 277
Relationship Australia’s Women and Separation resource for helping women in a relationship breakdown
Relationships Australia’s Men and Separation resource for helping men in a relationship breakdown
Family Relationships Tel. 1800 050 321
headspace ‒ for information on finding support during a relationship break-up
Lifeline Tel. 13 11 14
MensLine Tel. 1300 78 99 78
Lorretta offers support and guidance for women through relationship stress and loss. The gentle
processing and self reflection of thoughts and feelings can help reduce feelings of depression, anxiety, stress, a feeling of being overwhelmed, and alone. The support and guidance of psychology and wisdom based therapy can create motivation and moving in a positive direction. Personal development, motivation, counselling services, psychology, personal growth, women's mental health

can create motivation and moving in a positive direction